22 October Launch CoZijn in collaboration with Rake Lijnen
22 October Launch Go-John, mobile toilet on an E-Rickshaw
22 - 30 October Dutch Design Week - Eindhoven
5 November Open Day - Willem De Kooning Academy Rotterdam
11 November ‘Stadsmakers’ tour through Oosterflank
Coolhaven 600, 3024 AR Rotterdam, The Netherlands
info@studiokortmann.nl - tel. +31 (0)10 4773864 - cel. +31(0)6 10288664
Bas Kortmann - designer, artistic director of Theatre Group Powerboat and tutor at the WDKA - designs and develops games, interventions, programs, theatre plays and performances that provoke and support social encounters, human interaction and general growth of community well-being. These works are integral and substantive part of the daily design practice of Studio Kortmann.
CoZijn - in collaboration with Rake Lijnen
Go-John - Mobile toilet for seniors (and everyone else)
mobile toilet for seniors (and everyone else)